A lil thread of commonly used internet slang/abbreviations that i see a lot in cbxg circles/on Weibo, which wouldn't be translated by the in-app translator, so I thought it might be helpful to list them out here!
скопировано из тредаcql - 臭情侣 (chou qing lü): gross lovebirds [easy to mistake as for Chenqing Ling haha but they typically don't refer to the drama with an abbreviation like this!] aq - 爱情 (ai qing): love [e.g. aq 饼干 = love crackers = 3+2 crackers, aq 水 = love water = pink starbucks drink] 1s1/y1s1 - 有一说一 (you yi shuo yi): to tell the truth, to speak frankly yyds - 永远的神 (yong yuan de shen): always amazing/godlike srds - 虽然但是 (sui ran dan shi): even though jmm - 姐妹们 (jie mei men): sisters [how cbxgs address each other] *variations of jmm that might be translated confusingly: 集美们/集美萌 (ji mei men/ji mei meng): collection of beauties/beautiful buds; no real meaning tbh just used bc it comes up on the keyboard if u type 'jmm'! kswl - 磕死我了 (ke si wo le): I’m dying from eating candy xswl - 笑死我了 (xiao si wo le): I’m dying of laughter awsl - 啊我死了 (a wo si le): ah I’m dead vx - 微信 (wei xin): WeChat [but i'm also unsure how w -> v LOL] wb - 微博 (wei bo): Weibo lz - 绿洲 (lü zhou): Oasis wf - 唯粉 (wei fen): solo fan *variation: wfjj - 唯粉姐姐 (wei fen jie jie): older sister solo fan dw - 毒唯 (du wei): toxic solo fan hz - 黑子 (hei zi): anti rs - 热搜 (re sou): hotsearch [weibo trending tags] hrs - 黑热搜 (hei re sou): black hotsearch [anti gg/dd trend] xgds - 星光大赏 (xing guang da shang): Tencent Awards wbzy - 微博之夜 (wei bo zhi ye): Weibo Awards gzry - 工作人员 (gong zuo ren yuan): staff member kdl - 磕到了 (ke dao le): I ate the candy/I understood the candy npy - 男朋友 (nan peng you): boyfriend xql - 小情侣 (xiao qing lü): young couple doi - do 爱 (do 'ai'): make love xnb - 洗脑包 (xi nao bao): 'brainwash bundle' -- accounts that spread bad rumors about ggdd/bjyx, e.g. "ex cpfs" that "opened their eyes" dy - 抖音 (dou yin): Douyin *note: 抖人 (dou ren) might get TL'd as 'shaking person' lol but it refers to Douyin users! pph - 披皮黑 (pi pi hei): anti pretending to be a fan ylq - 娱乐圈 (yu le quan): entertainment circle you might also see: Рыба圈 (quan) - fish = 'yu' -> yu quan -> entertainment circle yxh - 营销号 (yin xiao hao): accounts that post anything for kpi/to make money gzh - 公众号 (gong zhong hao): official account cp - comes from ‘couple’: a ship cpn - cp 脑 (cp nao): cp brain, indicates it’s just ‘shipping’/your thoughts/theories, not ‘real’ cpf - cp fan ch - 超话 (chao hua): supertopic wpg - 歪屁股 (wai pi gu): being biased towards one member of the ship ss - 私生 (sisheng): “fan” that invades celeb’s privacy dbq - 对不起 (dui bu qi): sorry ky - from Japanese, 空気が読めない (kuuki ga yomenai): mentioning something off-topic blx - 玻璃心 (bo li xin): glass heart, someone overly sensitive zz - 正主 (zheng zhu): the celebrity(s) you’re a fan of *variation that might translate confusingly is 蒸煮 (steamed boiled); it gets used in place of 正主 bc it comes up first when you type ‘zheng zhu’! other slang: 爬墙 (pa qiang): wall climbing; moving on to a new fandom 房子塌了 (fang zi ta le): house collapsed; something happening to cause fans to stop being a fan (e.g. dating scandal) specific to yizhan: 大房 (da fang): first/main house - bjyx 二房 (er fang): second house - zsww 三房 (san fang) third house - lsfy 上山 (shang shan): going up the mountain; shipping zsww 下山 (xia shan): going down the mountain; shipping bjyx *bc the s in zsww is shan (mountain) bushi = 不是 = it isn’t, no it’s tacked on like “just kidding”, kinda equivalent to us going: /jk bxg - 百香果 (bai xiang guo): passionfruit; name of members of bjyx supertopic 土匪(tu fei): bandit; name of members of zsww supertopic 琐;(锁链 (suo lian): chain; name of members of lsfy supertopic 果子(guo zi): fruit, used in bjyx supertopic bc members are ‘passionfruits’ *also why bjyx supertopic js also called 果园 (guo yuan): fruit orchard 龟龟 (gui gui): turtle 王八 (wang ba): turtle 玐 (ba): no real meaning, used bc it’s composed of 王+八 田田 (tian tian): field, comes from a fake rumor submission that said this is the name gg calls us by 兲兲(tian tian): day/sky/heaven, used bc it’s 王+八 and sounds like 田田 (tones are different)
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