Remember life is nonsense so wear silly shoes x
Я оставлю тут фотки их комнаты, потому что это милота) Это очень напоминает мне мою комнату лет 10 назад.)) Я хочу к ним в гости, чтобы смотреть аниме и играть в приставку. xD
Я посмотрела/прочитала/послушала все интервью с The Garden в интернете xDDD, и пришло время подвести никому не нужные итоги.))
Во первых, эти мальчики прекрасны! <3 Я пишу "мальчики", будто они не мои ровесники. xD Чем больше узнаю о них, тем больше очаровываюсь.
Очень честные и доброжелательные, без капли пафоса, терпеливо отвечают на одинаковые и тупые вопросы. Они не заслужили такое количество кринжовых интервью, к которым интервьюеры не посчитали нужным хотя бы минимально подготовиться!
Во вторых, на самом деле этому посту уже почти месяц, и я в него закидывала всё, что меня как-то впечатлило из их интервью. Не знаю зачем. Вдруг потом забуду?
У меня тут получился какой-то сборник вроде "100 никому не интересных фактов о The Garden"
(Пожалуй, так и назову этот пост.)
Vada Vada - это прекрасно!
MCDERMOTT: So what is the philosophy of Vada Vada?
FLETCHER SHEARS: When somebody asks what Vada Vada means right now, to us, it means pure creative expression, equality, and doing what you’re doing without boxing yourself in and pigeonholing yourself—freely, creatively expressing yourself.
WYATT SHEARS: You’re placing yourself in reality, but you’re not worried about what’s going on around you. Another example of Vada Vada is that one time we made this character—it had a little devil face, a hat, and then me and my friend stood in a blanket, so kind of like a horse body with a devil face. We would drop “it” off—a.k.a. Fletcher would drop me and my friend off—and we would walk around town, through malls, but we wouldn’t talk to anybody or do anything. People would ask us what’s going on and it would be Vada Vada. That’s placing your own creativity in the public eye. They can choose to judge it, label it, do whatever they want with it. One guy was even like, “El Diablo, El Diablo!” But that’s what Vada Vada is: doing your own pure creative thing and putting it out in public. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks because you’re going to keep progressing forward.
FLETCHER SHEARS: You don’t have to call it Vada Vada, you don’t have to call it anything; it can just be a creation that came from you. It doesn’t have to be punk, it doesn’t have to rap, it doesn’t have to be anything. It just is what it is, because it came from you and it’s a part of you. It could go with gender, it could go with anything. I consider that for myself. (с)
Этот пост вышел из-под контроля
Уайатт и Флетчер не уверены, однояйцевые или разнояйцевые они близнецы - они считают, что они слишком разные. xD По-моему, они идентичные, мимика делает их разными.
Они жили в одной комнате до 21 года, в доме родителей в Ориндже, и вроде бы хотели съехать от родителей, но жить вместе, но в итоге стали жить отдельно друг от друга, и "близнецовая сепарация" оказалась для них благом.
Уроки музыки они никогда не брали. Отец играет в панк-группе, но он вроде бы не учил их, они всё сами. В прошлом году близнецы выступали вместе с отцом, который был на барабанах, Флетчер был на басу, а Уайатт - на гитаре и вокале. Играли какой-то злой хардкор, на Ютьюбе есть несколько видео.
Родители у них цивилы, но т.к. батя любит панк, они его с пелёнок слушали. Панк повлиял на их творчество, особенно раннее, но они всегда стараются сделать что-то своё, без оглядки на кого-то, поэтому у них нет каких-то конкретных вдохновителей. Слушают они всё подряд, не зацикливаясь на конкретных жанрах.
Играют в хоккей и на скейте прыгают.
Оба скорее интроверты, но Флетчер махровее. И походу его любимое занятие - это рефлексия и самокопания.)
Обычно Флетчер на интервью выглядит комплитли дед инсайд, но у него на лице можно заметить проблески раздражения, когда Уайатт перебивает его или когда интервьюер задаёт вопрос и сразу протягивает микрофон Уайатту, хотя Флетчер сидит ближе. x'D Это было первое, что я заметила, включив интервью с ними, но я сперва подумала, что мне показалось. xD
Сначала The Garden были на Burger Records, потом на Epitaph Records, нынче они без лейбла. В 2020 году Burger Records "отменили" из-за скандала и он закрылся, их видео исчезли из Ютьюба, поэтому многие клипы The Garden перезалиты туда фанатами.
В одной из статей журналист сравнил их клипы с Майти Буш. xD Интересно, они смотрели Майти Буш?
Нигде не указан их рост, который кажется весьма внушительным. Наконец, в последнем из найденных мной подкастов, Флетчер сказал, что становится тяжелее жить в одной небольшой комнате с братом, когда перерастаешь 6,2 фута, что почти 189 см.
Обычно у них кто песню пишет - тот её итанцует поёт.
Многие их тексты саркастичные и стёбные, хотя это бывает трудно сразу уловить.
Они пишут постоянно, но выпускают только малую часть из написанных песен, остальные "умирают в компьютере Уайатта", их там тысячи. Флетчер сказал, что они пишут по 50-60 песен, но выпускают из них только штук 11. Когда они не пишут для The Garden, они пишут для своих соло-проектов, и там производительность ещё выше. Сольные проекты для них как терапия. The Garden - тоже терапия, но уже групповая.))
Песни записывают чисто на интуиции, без какого-либо плана, концепта, структуры. Не думают заранее, какой конкретно звуковой эффект им нужен. Не любят долго возиться с песней и overthink it, особенно Флетчер. Короче, импровизация и эксперименты - наше всё. Только с не таких давних пор Уайатт стал думать о структуре песни и о том, как она будет звучать для слушателя.Флетчеру похер ваще XD
Раньше старались побыстрее записаться, чтобы потратить поменьше денег на студию.)
Первые два года играли для пустых залов или аудитории, которой было ваще похер. Потом их увидел какой-то чел, работающий на YSL, и их по и-мэйлу пригласили в Париж побыть моделями на показе. Они сначала даже подумали, что это развод. xD Но взлёта популярности после этого особого не было. У них вообще не было какого-то резкого взлёта.
Какое-то время их фишкой было драться друг с другом на сцене (понарошку, естессн) xD Зрители тоже могли присоединиться.
Судя по всему, они ни фига особо не зарабатывают на группе. (Надеюсь, в данный момент это уже не так.) Они нигде напрямую не жалуются, что у них денег мало, но это понятно из разных деталей. И у них проскакивает нищебродская ментальность xD
И вообще, группа у них не для денег, а для творчества и самовыражения, и это не работа, а веселье (но от долгих туров они устают, туры - это уже работа), а для денег - подработка моделями и продажа всяких штук. Например, ещё не так давно у Уайатта был интернет-магазинчик, где он продавал какие-то авторские цацки и кастомизированную одежду, и даже просто свою и Флетчера старую одежду распродал.)) Похоже, у них когда-то были какие-то обычные работы, но подробно о них они не говорили.
Уайатт в интервью года 2016го сказал, что 30 баксов за рубашку - это слишком дорого, и он лучше пойдёт в Goodwill (секонд-хенд), где всё можно купить за 5-20 баксов. Я прям удивилась, потому что 30$ даже по нынешнему курсу - как раз цена рубашки в каком-нибудь бюджетном сетевике вроде Zolla, да даже в нашем бутике. Должно быть, в Америке одежда реально дешёвая.Или Уайатт с Флетчером реально нищеброды. Но я солидарна с Уайаттом и тоже не куплю рубашку за 30$, лучше в Фамилию схожу xD
Когда я посмотрела их лайвы, я задалась вопросом, почему они не возьмут себе сессионщиков, чтобы была живая музыка, кроме баса и барабанов. Но когда они сказали об этом в интервью, я сразу же их полностью поняла. Им друг с другом работать легко и они не хотят иметь дел с другими людьми. xD Но у них есть своя "коммуналка" из друзей, которые помогают им со съёмками и т. д. Я уже подписалась на некоторых из них в инстаче xDDD
Возможно, сейчас это уже не так, но походу, когда у них туры по Америке, они чисто грузят инструменты в багажник своей машины и вдвоём едут, подменяя друг друга за рулём. Как у них потом сил хватает скакать по сцене, я не знаю. xD В мировых турах у них обычно есть целый звуковик с собой! Они уже давно по всему миру выступают, включая азиатские страны и даже России. (эх
) Флетчер говорил, что хотел бы побывать в Санкт-Петербурге.
В турах они снимают один номер на двоих и спят в одной кровати. В целях экономии, видимо.
Уайатт вместо учебников клал в портфель свои крутые кастомизированные шмотки, которые родители запрещали надевать в школу. xD
Однажды Флетчер украл в винтажном магазине серьгу, и ему за это очень-очень стыдно.
В одном интервью их спросили про политику, и они развёрнуто и вдумчиво обругали Трампа. xD
На Флетчера сильно повлиял Розз Уильямс. А ещё он большой поклонник Микки Бланко.
Однажды Флетчер побрился почти налысо и пожалел об этом. x'D
Однажды Уайатт недостаточно часто чистил зубы в туре, и у него воспалились дёсны. Поэтому он рекомендует всем чистить зубы утром и вечером. xD
So getting more radio play isn’t important to you?
Fletcher: I think we could easily do that – with the modelling we do, we could easily become like a garage-rock band and sell a lot more albums or become like a pop band. If we wanted to, we could get the look down and we could solve the formula, but it would be really boring, and I’d probably end up getting really depressed. I’m not going to do that. If somebody tried to make me do that, I’m still not going to do it. (с)
Fletcher: Some brands like to give us the clothes we model to wear on stage, but we don’t tend to take it because we don’t like a lot of the stuff we’re modelling in the first place. So brands are like: ‘Oh you should wear this when you play’ and we’re like: ‘no’.
Потрясающая честность)
“The first album we made was more fantasy based. We wrote what we thought was interesting or funny or scary. This one has more meaning and still definitely has a comedic twang to it.” Fletcher continues, “Everything means something, but I don’t like to make it so obvious. I would never say ‘I’m sad, or I’m happy.’ I like to disguise it in a different way. Paperclip is kind of based around personifying inanimate objects so that was why a lot of people didn’t necessarily feel like the lyrics might mean anything. They meant things to us, but it was kind of like, our own world. A lot of our lyrics are sort of coded because we’re not just going to come out and say how we feel.” Wyatt interjects, “maybe that’s a little bit of a problem because it makes our lyrics a little less relatable at times, but at the same time, that’s just how we do things.” (с)
Is it still just you two or consulting outside people?
Fletcher: As far as ideas go it’s him and I but we’ll make all of the songs in our own space and then go somewhere else to re-record them because we don’t have that kind of equipment.
Wyatt: We have very minimal equipment to the point where we can’t do everything. I mean we can do as best as we can and it’ll come out pretty decent.
Fletcher: With Puzzle and Enjoy it’s straight up all just us, with the Garden it’s all just us but sometimes we’ll go to a studio and re-record everything. Keep the sounds but re-record the bass and some of the drums and vocals. It just helps with quality and stuff like that. Not that we’re trying to get big quality but it helps when it’s a little cleaner.
Wyatt: Easier to listen to I suppose. But we’ll actually keep the sounds that we make at home which we like that way. (с)
WS : We’re over the really grungy kind of tour life...we make sure we have hotels and stuff now. We wouldn’t have come on this tour if we knew we were gonna have to sleep on like, dirt beds and under bridges, because that just sucks after a while. (с)

FS : I always try to look like if I was watching a cartoon or something, and I saw a character and was like, 'That’s a really cool character' and dressed just like it, but in human form. Specifically, a cartoon called Yuyu Hakusho—it’s my favorite anime.
FS : We've only had two people cut our hair in our lives—our mom is a hairstylist and always did it growing up. Now the guy who cuts hair for Saint Laurent will do it sometimes [ed note: Wyatt and Fletcher starred in YSL's Fall 2013 Menswear campaign]. He’s a sweet guy and we know each other and we’ve met a million times, but I always forget how to say his name. He did a great job.
Ariel: How would Wyatt describe Fletcher and vice versa?
Fletcher Shears: Describing Wyatt is weird, almost like describing myself as fucked up as that sounds, because we work in the exact same way when we make music. We basically work as a team, and we rarely ever disagree on anything. His solo music is a lot more polished than mine though. I don’t spend a lot of time on it; whatever comes out of me, I just do it, then I fuck with it a little bit and am basically done.
Wyatt: It’s hard to explain. I’m usually the one sitting down and writing the song, and he is the one putting the birthday candles on it in a way. He also tends to be more aggressive. If he is being antagonized, he is more likely to lunge at that person than I am. (c)
You seem to do everything together, but who does what when it comes to writing?
Wyatt: Usually it’s me doing all of the work while Fletcher gives me back massages and brings me lemonades.
Fletcher: Wyatt loves to watch me create all the music while he takes notes on how I’m doing everything. He shows his gratitude by cooking for me sometimes too (laughs).
FS: We never plan on any sound. It’s honestly just what comes out. I like to go into creating with no expectations and a blank mind. I usually cherish the result after I’m done. (с)
You often cross dress and wear make up in your music videos and at gigs. What drew you to this?
Fletcher: Honestly, I was going through a really hard time when I started. I started being interested in this a lot earlier, like around the beginning of high school and middle school. I didn't really do anything with it. I kind of just felt it. Then, after high school, I was feeling a lot of things and I just started dressing like that everyday. I wasn't dressing like, ahh I like some girl clothes, I was trying to make myself look like a woman. I wanted to look like a woman. At that time, it was really important for me. I don't know why, it just was. It was something I felt I needed to do.
Like a part of discovering yourself?
Fletcher: I guess, yeah. I didn't really find anything out about myself necessarily. It felt right and it felt good. It felt like what I needed to do right then. So I did that for like a year and a half. I still wear women's clothes all the time, I just don't wake up everyday and try and make myself look like a woman. It's just because I feel like I don't really need to do that anymore.
What are your thoughts on gender and sexuality in regards to the new generation of young people?
Fletcher: I think honestly, it's really simple. I can't speak for anybody else or tell anybody else what to do, but for myself - it's to be a progressive, free thinking person. I think being open minded to everything is the best thing you can do. It makes you feel happy and without problems, issues or judgement. Just let people be who they want to be. Don't let anything stop you from doing that.
Wyatt: At the same time, you can't expect a big world peace because people are raised and brought up differently and have these mindsets that they can never let go of. Sometimes we get weird comments because people think we're gay, which isn't even close to something weird in my mind, but to somebody else it is.
Fletcher: I don't really like to consider myself a person that's anything. I like to be open to whatever. I just like to keep my mind open. There's a lot of things I don't know and so why should I say, 'oh that's not me' when you've never done it before. Maybe I would like something, maybe something would be interesting to me. (c)
tFS: The term “gender-fluid” has been backed by celebrity advocates like Ruby Rose and Miley Cyrus. How do you feel about the term and do you identify with it?
W: I’ve never heard that term to be honest. I’m sorry.
F: I think it’s a positive thing that gives freedom to people allowing them to be who they feel like they are at any given time. But I myself, don’t really label myself as anything but a person. Sure, I’m a male. But at the end of the day I’m just a person. I don’t feel the need to classify myself as anything other than that to look a certain way or feel a certain way. I think gender fluid it is positive and a forward moving thing though. (с)

What do you think your music would be a good soundtrack for?
Fletcher: I'd love to see our music paired with JJ the Jet Plane. That'd be really entertaining.
You could do that though. Make a mash-up for your next video.
Wyatt: Here's a picture of him in all his glory! He's pretty chill.
Was he a childhood favorite?
Fletcher: No in our childhood we avoided him.
Wyatt: Yeah, we didn't like him at all. We still don't really like him but it'd be a really funny video.
Fletcher: JJ's a poser, that's why. Basically a rip off of Thomas the Tank Engine, but we respect him for what he's trying to do. For society.
Я смеялась над этим в голос
Wyatt: I actually run a Thomas The Tank Engine fan page. I know it sounds like a joke but it's not. It's @thomas_and_friends_official and we got a good 285 followers right there!
Yeah you do! Why did you start that?
Wyatt: Because I really like the show. I have posters of it in my room. I know most people are probably like, 'oh, he's trying to be a funny guy…' but I do really like the show.
Wyatt: I basically boast about cool fake things that we're doing. Like, 'we have a lot going on here at Thomas and Friends… we currently have 30 employees who work day and night to get you guys quality pictures. We've got a lot coming up including walk-thrus and special events, so get ready cause this thing's gonna be huge!'
Fletcher: Sometimes me and my friends comment like, fuck you man! Fuck this page!
FLETCHER SHEARS: I feel like no matter what, even if I’m wearing a very normal jacket with normal pants and normal shoes and normal hair and normal everything, I’m still going to get honked at by a car for some reason.
First hangover?
Fletcher: Never got a hangover. I just never really got a around to drugs and alcohol. It was always around me, but I was just naturally focused on other things.
Wyatt: Never. Not into drugs, alcohol, and what comes with it.
Они курят сигары время от времени.
There’s the Garden and then your respective solo projects Puzzle and Enjoy. Did you consciously make all of your band names un-googleable?
Fletcher: No we didn’t, that’s an unconscious mistake on our part.
Wyatt: It’s weird, something we wish didn’t happen. Maybe it’s just because I’ve typed it into my computer but I can always find it quickly if I type in certain things. It’s getting better over time. If you type in “Enjoy Wyatt Shears” you get everything. For the Garden you can find it but you won’t find everything unless you type in the Garden twins then you’ll find everything.
Fletcher: I agree, when you type in Puzzle puzzle pieces come up, autism comes up. When you type in Enjoy it’s probably like a girl eating a salad or something. It depends on how much you want to find it. But it’s entertaining and funny.
Wyatt: It’s almost bittersweet. I like that we don’t just pop up right away. (с)
And what about the songwriting and the titles of the songs?
Wyatt: A lot of them have hidden meanings, we will probably never say, but most of them just, I don’t know, spring up from the moment.
Fletcher: It depends on which one you’re talking about. Some of them are deeper and then some of them are just kind of goofy. (с)
What’s it like being in a band of brothers?
Fletcher: I enjoy it. It makes things simple, and gives us more of an unquestioning natural feel. This project would be something totally different if it wasn’t just us two.
Wyatt: We know each other’s boundaries scary-well. The flow and chemistry is pretty much always there. We both know what we want out of the project and what comes with it. We are on almost the same level about everything, musically, and how we want to project ourselves. (с)
Fletcher: Yeah, we started out really young listening to stuff we probably shouldn’t have been listening to at that age.
Wyatt: Like, really hard core punk bands. Not The Ramones, not The Clash. Like, Discharge and Exploited and GBH. Stuff that we probably shouldn’t have been listening to. Fat Boy Slim. The Progidy’s “Smack my Bitch Up.” All when we were little kids.
Fletcher: Yeah, we thought it was saying “snap my picture.” (с)
Fletcher: That kind of music, you know...Like if I go to see Black Flag now, I don’t think that’s punk. I think that’s Black Flag. Not punk though. Because they’re not doing anything different. They’re doing exactly what they did in the 70’s and 80’s. It more of a re-enactment — a good memory. Nostalgia. It’s not punk to me at all anymore. But if I was going to see an artist who’s pushing boundaries, but is a hip hop artist, I’d be like, “Yeah, I’m going to a punk show.” It could be a fucking jazz artist. A writer. I don't categorize it to the genre. It’s more about their attitude and what they’re doing. (с)
Wyatt: Followers, likes, comments, if you’re interested, cool, if you have something bad to say, I’ll probably see it and delete it. I’m not gonna respond. I’m not into the negativity.
Fletcher: Yeah, it’s not the kind of thing where we’re so big that we’re not gonna see the comment and pretend like we don’t see it. Like, I see it. Fuck you.
W: I enjoy listening to my own songs the most and remembering why or how I made them and relating the past to it. Like a tattoo.
F: Yeah, for me I enjoy it most after the party is over. You work hard to make the music and the imagery how you want it. Then you have it forever, and you look back in awe. Playing it live is also very rewarding, and blood pumping. (с)
Judging by some of your lyrics I’m assuming you guys are feminists? What’s your response to people who say we don’t need feminism anymore or that we don’t need it at all?
Wyatt: They probably don’t really understand it, to be honest. I really respect feminism, but I don’t think I do enough to say I’m a feminist. Being a feminist is something really great, so I don’t think I deserve to be called that.
Wyatt: With us you would think it was simple and very easy but there's always a lot of technical difficulties and then on the second hand sometimes there are people who take it a little bit too far and mess up our gear. The spend too much time on the stage and then mess up my gear and in turn I have to throw them off myself. (с)
Fletcher: Some girl stole his [Wyatt] jacket.
Wyatt: She stole my jacket and then I found it on the street.
Fletcher: Yeah, we were just driving away and he saw some girl wearing his jacket and he just jumped out of the car and grabbed it and it was funny. And in Connecticut recently the owner of the club was heckling us and we ended up getting in a physical fight with him [laughs] so just shit happens.
Wyatt: It's a long story! We're not out to promote violence. We would never just hit someone in the face, unless they hit us first.
Wyatt: We never get annoyed with each other, or feel like we need some time off. Whenever we're even semi-frustrated, I'll go pour a bowl of cereal or something and then everything will be fine when I get back. (с)
How do you become a style icon?
F: I don't know, just be yourself. Even if you are a shit, just be yourself and no one can touch you.
W: Don't follow street wear like a zombie and don't follow high fashion like a zombie. Follow yourself like a zombie.
Я посмотрела/прочитала/послушала все интервью с The Garden в интернете xDDD, и пришло время подвести никому не нужные итоги.))
Во первых, эти мальчики прекрасны! <3 Я пишу "мальчики", будто они не мои ровесники. xD Чем больше узнаю о них, тем больше очаровываюсь.

Во вторых, на самом деле этому посту уже почти месяц, и я в него закидывала всё, что меня как-то впечатлило из их интервью. Не знаю зачем. Вдруг потом забуду?


Vada Vada - это прекрасно!

MCDERMOTT: So what is the philosophy of Vada Vada?
FLETCHER SHEARS: When somebody asks what Vada Vada means right now, to us, it means pure creative expression, equality, and doing what you’re doing without boxing yourself in and pigeonholing yourself—freely, creatively expressing yourself.
WYATT SHEARS: You’re placing yourself in reality, but you’re not worried about what’s going on around you. Another example of Vada Vada is that one time we made this character—it had a little devil face, a hat, and then me and my friend stood in a blanket, so kind of like a horse body with a devil face. We would drop “it” off—a.k.a. Fletcher would drop me and my friend off—and we would walk around town, through malls, but we wouldn’t talk to anybody or do anything. People would ask us what’s going on and it would be Vada Vada. That’s placing your own creativity in the public eye. They can choose to judge it, label it, do whatever they want with it. One guy was even like, “El Diablo, El Diablo!” But that’s what Vada Vada is: doing your own pure creative thing and putting it out in public. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks because you’re going to keep progressing forward.
FLETCHER SHEARS: You don’t have to call it Vada Vada, you don’t have to call it anything; it can just be a creation that came from you. It doesn’t have to be punk, it doesn’t have to rap, it doesn’t have to be anything. It just is what it is, because it came from you and it’s a part of you. It could go with gender, it could go with anything. I consider that for myself. (с)
Этот пост вышел из-под контроля

Они жили в одной комнате до 21 года, в доме родителей в Ориндже, и вроде бы хотели съехать от родителей, но жить вместе, но в итоге стали жить отдельно друг от друга, и "близнецовая сепарация" оказалась для них благом.
Уроки музыки они никогда не брали. Отец играет в панк-группе, но он вроде бы не учил их, они всё сами. В прошлом году близнецы выступали вместе с отцом, который был на барабанах, Флетчер был на басу, а Уайатт - на гитаре и вокале. Играли какой-то злой хардкор, на Ютьюбе есть несколько видео.
Родители у них цивилы, но т.к. батя любит панк, они его с пелёнок слушали. Панк повлиял на их творчество, особенно раннее, но они всегда стараются сделать что-то своё, без оглядки на кого-то, поэтому у них нет каких-то конкретных вдохновителей. Слушают они всё подряд, не зацикливаясь на конкретных жанрах.
Играют в хоккей и на скейте прыгают.
Оба скорее интроверты, но Флетчер махровее. И походу его любимое занятие - это рефлексия и самокопания.)
Обычно Флетчер на интервью выглядит комплитли дед инсайд, но у него на лице можно заметить проблески раздражения, когда Уайатт перебивает его или когда интервьюер задаёт вопрос и сразу протягивает микрофон Уайатту, хотя Флетчер сидит ближе. x'D Это было первое, что я заметила, включив интервью с ними, но я сперва подумала, что мне показалось. xD
Сначала The Garden были на Burger Records, потом на Epitaph Records, нынче они без лейбла. В 2020 году Burger Records "отменили" из-за скандала и он закрылся, их видео исчезли из Ютьюба, поэтому многие клипы The Garden перезалиты туда фанатами.
В одной из статей журналист сравнил их клипы с Майти Буш. xD Интересно, они смотрели Майти Буш?
Нигде не указан их рост, который кажется весьма внушительным. Наконец, в последнем из найденных мной подкастов, Флетчер сказал, что становится тяжелее жить в одной небольшой комнате с братом, когда перерастаешь 6,2 фута, что почти 189 см.
Обычно у них кто песню пишет - тот её и
Многие их тексты саркастичные и стёбные, хотя это бывает трудно сразу уловить.
Они пишут постоянно, но выпускают только малую часть из написанных песен, остальные "умирают в компьютере Уайатта", их там тысячи. Флетчер сказал, что они пишут по 50-60 песен, но выпускают из них только штук 11. Когда они не пишут для The Garden, они пишут для своих соло-проектов, и там производительность ещё выше. Сольные проекты для них как терапия. The Garden - тоже терапия, но уже групповая.))
Песни записывают чисто на интуиции, без какого-либо плана, концепта, структуры. Не думают заранее, какой конкретно звуковой эффект им нужен. Не любят долго возиться с песней и overthink it, особенно Флетчер. Короче, импровизация и эксперименты - наше всё. Только с не таких давних пор Уайатт стал думать о структуре песни и о том, как она будет звучать для слушателя.
Раньше старались побыстрее записаться, чтобы потратить поменьше денег на студию.)
Первые два года играли для пустых залов или аудитории, которой было ваще похер. Потом их увидел какой-то чел, работающий на YSL, и их по и-мэйлу пригласили в Париж побыть моделями на показе. Они сначала даже подумали, что это развод. xD Но взлёта популярности после этого особого не было. У них вообще не было какого-то резкого взлёта.
Какое-то время их фишкой было драться друг с другом на сцене (понарошку, естессн) xD Зрители тоже могли присоединиться.

Судя по всему, они ни фига особо не зарабатывают на группе. (Надеюсь, в данный момент это уже не так.) Они нигде напрямую не жалуются, что у них денег мало, но это понятно из разных деталей. И у них проскакивает нищебродская ментальность xD
И вообще, группа у них не для денег, а для творчества и самовыражения, и это не работа, а веселье (но от долгих туров они устают, туры - это уже работа), а для денег - подработка моделями и продажа всяких штук. Например, ещё не так давно у Уайатта был интернет-магазинчик, где он продавал какие-то авторские цацки и кастомизированную одежду, и даже просто свою и Флетчера старую одежду распродал.)) Похоже, у них когда-то были какие-то обычные работы, но подробно о них они не говорили.
Уайатт в интервью года 2016го сказал, что 30 баксов за рубашку - это слишком дорого, и он лучше пойдёт в Goodwill (секонд-хенд), где всё можно купить за 5-20 баксов. Я прям удивилась, потому что 30$ даже по нынешнему курсу - как раз цена рубашки в каком-нибудь бюджетном сетевике вроде Zolla, да даже в нашем бутике. Должно быть, в Америке одежда реально дешёвая.
Когда я посмотрела их лайвы, я задалась вопросом, почему они не возьмут себе сессионщиков, чтобы была живая музыка, кроме баса и барабанов. Но когда они сказали об этом в интервью, я сразу же их полностью поняла. Им друг с другом работать легко и они не хотят иметь дел с другими людьми. xD Но у них есть своя "коммуналка" из друзей, которые помогают им со съёмками и т. д. Я уже подписалась на некоторых из них в инстаче xDDD
Возможно, сейчас это уже не так, но походу, когда у них туры по Америке, они чисто грузят инструменты в багажник своей машины и вдвоём едут, подменяя друг друга за рулём. Как у них потом сил хватает скакать по сцене, я не знаю. xD В мировых турах у них обычно есть целый звуковик с собой! Они уже давно по всему миру выступают, включая азиатские страны и даже России. (эх

В турах они снимают один номер на двоих и спят в одной кровати. В целях экономии, видимо.
Уайатт вместо учебников клал в портфель свои крутые кастомизированные шмотки, которые родители запрещали надевать в школу. xD
Однажды Флетчер украл в винтажном магазине серьгу, и ему за это очень-очень стыдно.
В одном интервью их спросили про политику, и они развёрнуто и вдумчиво обругали Трампа. xD
На Флетчера сильно повлиял Розз Уильямс. А ещё он большой поклонник Микки Бланко.
Однажды Флетчер побрился почти налысо и пожалел об этом. x'D
Однажды Уайатт недостаточно часто чистил зубы в туре, и у него воспалились дёсны. Поэтому он рекомендует всем чистить зубы утром и вечером. xD
So getting more radio play isn’t important to you?
Fletcher: I think we could easily do that – with the modelling we do, we could easily become like a garage-rock band and sell a lot more albums or become like a pop band. If we wanted to, we could get the look down and we could solve the formula, but it would be really boring, and I’d probably end up getting really depressed. I’m not going to do that. If somebody tried to make me do that, I’m still not going to do it. (с)
Fletcher: Some brands like to give us the clothes we model to wear on stage, but we don’t tend to take it because we don’t like a lot of the stuff we’re modelling in the first place. So brands are like: ‘Oh you should wear this when you play’ and we’re like: ‘no’.
Потрясающая честность)
“The first album we made was more fantasy based. We wrote what we thought was interesting or funny or scary. This one has more meaning and still definitely has a comedic twang to it.” Fletcher continues, “Everything means something, but I don’t like to make it so obvious. I would never say ‘I’m sad, or I’m happy.’ I like to disguise it in a different way. Paperclip is kind of based around personifying inanimate objects so that was why a lot of people didn’t necessarily feel like the lyrics might mean anything. They meant things to us, but it was kind of like, our own world. A lot of our lyrics are sort of coded because we’re not just going to come out and say how we feel.” Wyatt interjects, “maybe that’s a little bit of a problem because it makes our lyrics a little less relatable at times, but at the same time, that’s just how we do things.” (с)
Is it still just you two or consulting outside people?
Fletcher: As far as ideas go it’s him and I but we’ll make all of the songs in our own space and then go somewhere else to re-record them because we don’t have that kind of equipment.
Wyatt: We have very minimal equipment to the point where we can’t do everything. I mean we can do as best as we can and it’ll come out pretty decent.
Fletcher: With Puzzle and Enjoy it’s straight up all just us, with the Garden it’s all just us but sometimes we’ll go to a studio and re-record everything. Keep the sounds but re-record the bass and some of the drums and vocals. It just helps with quality and stuff like that. Not that we’re trying to get big quality but it helps when it’s a little cleaner.
Wyatt: Easier to listen to I suppose. But we’ll actually keep the sounds that we make at home which we like that way. (с)
WS : We’re over the really grungy kind of tour life...we make sure we have hotels and stuff now. We wouldn’t have come on this tour if we knew we were gonna have to sleep on like, dirt beds and under bridges, because that just sucks after a while. (с)

FS : I always try to look like if I was watching a cartoon or something, and I saw a character and was like, 'That’s a really cool character' and dressed just like it, but in human form. Specifically, a cartoon called Yuyu Hakusho—it’s my favorite anime.
FS : We've only had two people cut our hair in our lives—our mom is a hairstylist and always did it growing up. Now the guy who cuts hair for Saint Laurent will do it sometimes [ed note: Wyatt and Fletcher starred in YSL's Fall 2013 Menswear campaign]. He’s a sweet guy and we know each other and we’ve met a million times, but I always forget how to say his name. He did a great job.
Ariel: How would Wyatt describe Fletcher and vice versa?
Fletcher Shears: Describing Wyatt is weird, almost like describing myself as fucked up as that sounds, because we work in the exact same way when we make music. We basically work as a team, and we rarely ever disagree on anything. His solo music is a lot more polished than mine though. I don’t spend a lot of time on it; whatever comes out of me, I just do it, then I fuck with it a little bit and am basically done.
Wyatt: It’s hard to explain. I’m usually the one sitting down and writing the song, and he is the one putting the birthday candles on it in a way. He also tends to be more aggressive. If he is being antagonized, he is more likely to lunge at that person than I am. (c)
You seem to do everything together, but who does what when it comes to writing?
Wyatt: Usually it’s me doing all of the work while Fletcher gives me back massages and brings me lemonades.
Fletcher: Wyatt loves to watch me create all the music while he takes notes on how I’m doing everything. He shows his gratitude by cooking for me sometimes too (laughs).
FS: We never plan on any sound. It’s honestly just what comes out. I like to go into creating with no expectations and a blank mind. I usually cherish the result after I’m done. (с)
You often cross dress and wear make up in your music videos and at gigs. What drew you to this?
Fletcher: Honestly, I was going through a really hard time when I started. I started being interested in this a lot earlier, like around the beginning of high school and middle school. I didn't really do anything with it. I kind of just felt it. Then, after high school, I was feeling a lot of things and I just started dressing like that everyday. I wasn't dressing like, ahh I like some girl clothes, I was trying to make myself look like a woman. I wanted to look like a woman. At that time, it was really important for me. I don't know why, it just was. It was something I felt I needed to do.
Like a part of discovering yourself?
Fletcher: I guess, yeah. I didn't really find anything out about myself necessarily. It felt right and it felt good. It felt like what I needed to do right then. So I did that for like a year and a half. I still wear women's clothes all the time, I just don't wake up everyday and try and make myself look like a woman. It's just because I feel like I don't really need to do that anymore.
What are your thoughts on gender and sexuality in regards to the new generation of young people?
Fletcher: I think honestly, it's really simple. I can't speak for anybody else or tell anybody else what to do, but for myself - it's to be a progressive, free thinking person. I think being open minded to everything is the best thing you can do. It makes you feel happy and without problems, issues or judgement. Just let people be who they want to be. Don't let anything stop you from doing that.
Wyatt: At the same time, you can't expect a big world peace because people are raised and brought up differently and have these mindsets that they can never let go of. Sometimes we get weird comments because people think we're gay, which isn't even close to something weird in my mind, but to somebody else it is.
Fletcher: I don't really like to consider myself a person that's anything. I like to be open to whatever. I just like to keep my mind open. There's a lot of things I don't know and so why should I say, 'oh that's not me' when you've never done it before. Maybe I would like something, maybe something would be interesting to me. (c)
tFS: The term “gender-fluid” has been backed by celebrity advocates like Ruby Rose and Miley Cyrus. How do you feel about the term and do you identify with it?
W: I’ve never heard that term to be honest. I’m sorry.
F: I think it’s a positive thing that gives freedom to people allowing them to be who they feel like they are at any given time. But I myself, don’t really label myself as anything but a person. Sure, I’m a male. But at the end of the day I’m just a person. I don’t feel the need to classify myself as anything other than that to look a certain way or feel a certain way. I think gender fluid it is positive and a forward moving thing though. (с)

What do you think your music would be a good soundtrack for?
Fletcher: I'd love to see our music paired with JJ the Jet Plane. That'd be really entertaining.
You could do that though. Make a mash-up for your next video.
Wyatt: Here's a picture of him in all his glory! He's pretty chill.
Was he a childhood favorite?
Fletcher: No in our childhood we avoided him.
Wyatt: Yeah, we didn't like him at all. We still don't really like him but it'd be a really funny video.
Fletcher: JJ's a poser, that's why. Basically a rip off of Thomas the Tank Engine, but we respect him for what he's trying to do. For society.
Я смеялась над этим в голос

Wyatt: I actually run a Thomas The Tank Engine fan page. I know it sounds like a joke but it's not. It's @thomas_and_friends_official and we got a good 285 followers right there!
Yeah you do! Why did you start that?
Wyatt: Because I really like the show. I have posters of it in my room. I know most people are probably like, 'oh, he's trying to be a funny guy…' but I do really like the show.
Wyatt: I basically boast about cool fake things that we're doing. Like, 'we have a lot going on here at Thomas and Friends… we currently have 30 employees who work day and night to get you guys quality pictures. We've got a lot coming up including walk-thrus and special events, so get ready cause this thing's gonna be huge!'
Fletcher: Sometimes me and my friends comment like, fuck you man! Fuck this page!
FLETCHER SHEARS: I feel like no matter what, even if I’m wearing a very normal jacket with normal pants and normal shoes and normal hair and normal everything, I’m still going to get honked at by a car for some reason.
First hangover?
Fletcher: Never got a hangover. I just never really got a around to drugs and alcohol. It was always around me, but I was just naturally focused on other things.
Wyatt: Never. Not into drugs, alcohol, and what comes with it.
Они курят сигары время от времени.
There’s the Garden and then your respective solo projects Puzzle and Enjoy. Did you consciously make all of your band names un-googleable?
Fletcher: No we didn’t, that’s an unconscious mistake on our part.
Wyatt: It’s weird, something we wish didn’t happen. Maybe it’s just because I’ve typed it into my computer but I can always find it quickly if I type in certain things. It’s getting better over time. If you type in “Enjoy Wyatt Shears” you get everything. For the Garden you can find it but you won’t find everything unless you type in the Garden twins then you’ll find everything.
Fletcher: I agree, when you type in Puzzle puzzle pieces come up, autism comes up. When you type in Enjoy it’s probably like a girl eating a salad or something. It depends on how much you want to find it. But it’s entertaining and funny.
Wyatt: It’s almost bittersweet. I like that we don’t just pop up right away. (с)
And what about the songwriting and the titles of the songs?
Wyatt: A lot of them have hidden meanings, we will probably never say, but most of them just, I don’t know, spring up from the moment.
Fletcher: It depends on which one you’re talking about. Some of them are deeper and then some of them are just kind of goofy. (с)
What’s it like being in a band of brothers?
Fletcher: I enjoy it. It makes things simple, and gives us more of an unquestioning natural feel. This project would be something totally different if it wasn’t just us two.
Wyatt: We know each other’s boundaries scary-well. The flow and chemistry is pretty much always there. We both know what we want out of the project and what comes with it. We are on almost the same level about everything, musically, and how we want to project ourselves. (с)
Fletcher: Yeah, we started out really young listening to stuff we probably shouldn’t have been listening to at that age.
Wyatt: Like, really hard core punk bands. Not The Ramones, not The Clash. Like, Discharge and Exploited and GBH. Stuff that we probably shouldn’t have been listening to. Fat Boy Slim. The Progidy’s “Smack my Bitch Up.” All when we were little kids.
Fletcher: Yeah, we thought it was saying “snap my picture.” (с)

Fletcher: That kind of music, you know...Like if I go to see Black Flag now, I don’t think that’s punk. I think that’s Black Flag. Not punk though. Because they’re not doing anything different. They’re doing exactly what they did in the 70’s and 80’s. It more of a re-enactment — a good memory. Nostalgia. It’s not punk to me at all anymore. But if I was going to see an artist who’s pushing boundaries, but is a hip hop artist, I’d be like, “Yeah, I’m going to a punk show.” It could be a fucking jazz artist. A writer. I don't categorize it to the genre. It’s more about their attitude and what they’re doing. (с)
Wyatt: Followers, likes, comments, if you’re interested, cool, if you have something bad to say, I’ll probably see it and delete it. I’m not gonna respond. I’m not into the negativity.
Fletcher: Yeah, it’s not the kind of thing where we’re so big that we’re not gonna see the comment and pretend like we don’t see it. Like, I see it. Fuck you.
W: I enjoy listening to my own songs the most and remembering why or how I made them and relating the past to it. Like a tattoo.
F: Yeah, for me I enjoy it most after the party is over. You work hard to make the music and the imagery how you want it. Then you have it forever, and you look back in awe. Playing it live is also very rewarding, and blood pumping. (с)
Judging by some of your lyrics I’m assuming you guys are feminists? What’s your response to people who say we don’t need feminism anymore or that we don’t need it at all?
Wyatt: They probably don’t really understand it, to be honest. I really respect feminism, but I don’t think I do enough to say I’m a feminist. Being a feminist is something really great, so I don’t think I deserve to be called that.
Wyatt: With us you would think it was simple and very easy but there's always a lot of technical difficulties and then on the second hand sometimes there are people who take it a little bit too far and mess up our gear. The spend too much time on the stage and then mess up my gear and in turn I have to throw them off myself. (с)
Fletcher: Some girl stole his [Wyatt] jacket.
Wyatt: She stole my jacket and then I found it on the street.
Fletcher: Yeah, we were just driving away and he saw some girl wearing his jacket and he just jumped out of the car and grabbed it and it was funny. And in Connecticut recently the owner of the club was heckling us and we ended up getting in a physical fight with him [laughs] so just shit happens.
Wyatt: It's a long story! We're not out to promote violence. We would never just hit someone in the face, unless they hit us first.
Wyatt: We never get annoyed with each other, or feel like we need some time off. Whenever we're even semi-frustrated, I'll go pour a bowl of cereal or something and then everything will be fine when I get back. (с)
How do you become a style icon?
F: I don't know, just be yourself. Even if you are a shit, just be yourself and no one can touch you.
W: Don't follow street wear like a zombie and don't follow high fashion like a zombie. Follow yourself like a zombie.
@темы: The Garden